11 March 2006

"Well then leave it alone."

Meet Finley Johnson, the newest (and lightest) edition to our family. After watching one too many episodes of ER, I was able to perfectly imagine the scene Wednesday night at 7:45 when my mom told me they were airlifting my sweet sister, Kristi, to University Hospital in Louisville, KY. Kristi's body was not holding up well against the pressure of her pregnancy, so although they had set the goal of 35 weeks for her earliest possible delivery, they had to take little Finley from her happy little home that night at 10:00. Kristi is recovering nicely... extremely ready for some real food. Apparently my valiant efforts to break the staunch rules of the liquid diet with crackers is just not enough for her. The nurses are pretty surprised by the speed at which she is recovering. Our only concern for Krist at this point is her blood pressure. It's been down a little, but is back up today. And, bless her heart, the medicine they are giving her makes her hot, dizzy, and basically miserable. We are so grateful to see God's hand restoring Kristi's health by the minute.
We are believing in His work in Finley. She was only on oxygen at first, but since then they had to put her on a venthilator; not ideal, but a means to the end. All 3 lbs and 11 oz of her are working really hard to breath, but even with the help of the ventilator, she is struggling. The doctors are not surprised by the things they are seeing, but are not altogether pleased with her progress at this point. Seeing such a small fragile life, God's power and meticulous planning was put into perspective. Isaiah 40:29 has been a source of hope and confidence for us every time we go in to see little Finley. "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." Now I know, for all you Bible scholars, this is part of Isaiah's prophecy to the Israelites, but it was also a timely word of encouragement from the Lord straight to a family whose hearts were a little unsettled.
One of the great ways God took care of us during this whole ordeal was by sending people to take care of Kristi when she was alone prior to surgery. None of the family was able to travel with her in the helicopter. So you have a 33 year old girl without her husband or family, only knowing that her condition is serious enough to airlift her ER style to the next biggest city for treatment. None of us could get there within 4 hours. Two people we had grown up with in church, who live in Louisville, jumped at the chance to come and stand beside her. So, Necia O'Donely and Tera Melber, thanks for reminding us what is so precious and sweet about the Body of Christ. You two were used to ease the hearts and minds of the whole family, as well as be a visible representation of the Lord's presence and care for Kristi and Finley's lives.
Thank you for taking the time to read. I know it was wordy and long...as are my thoughts at this point. We are still waiting, trusting, and living in hope. We waltz between peace and concern, with peace winning out most of the time at this point. Kristi and I have been praying, out of Psalm116:7, "Be at rest once more, O my sould, for the Lord has been good...!" Thanks for the prayers and concern so many of you have shown. We have been encouraged beyond belief. I'll leave you with a fun encounter my mom and sister had in the gift shop last night. They met a man the first moments we were all here. When they saw him again last night, he wanted an update on things. When they told him, he simply said, "Didn't the Lord already give you peace for the outcome of this?" Mom and Kristi nodded hesitantly. As he walked away, he looked over his shoulder and said, "Then leave it alone."

12 February 2006

i guess if anything is worth me blogging, this is

Dear Friends and Family, It has been too long since I have talked to some of you, but my reason for writing is so important to me, I had to make an effort to get in contact with each of you. The college ministry I have served with since I moved to Louisiana is starting a new church. Parkview Baptist Church has been our home for the last 8 years, and has supported us in the growth and maturation of this baby church. We have affectionately termed Parkview as “pregnant,” and she is about to “birth” this new church the night of Sunday, February 12th. God began this ministry by planting a vision in one of the pastor’s hearts. Jim Wallace believed in God’s vision and promise to use this ministry to reach Baton Rouge through college ministry. He hired Josh Causey as a ministry intern to develop a worship service. Their first night, 8 years ago, there were about 25 people there, 10 of whom were in the band. At the end of the night, they just kind of looked at one another and said, “Well, you want to try it again next week?” And they agreed to do it again, while secretly Josh thought it wasn’t going to ever grow past their beloved 25 people. In spite of their hesitations, they all had a sense that God was planning on doing things way beyond their comprehension and capabilities. Eight years, eight elders, ten community groups, and one pastor later, God has developed the Ring Community Church. He has sent us families, married couples…. People with more life under their belt, there fore with more wisdom than we have (praise God!) to help us walk out His design for His Bride. God has shaken us up over and over again. He continues to strip us of ourselves, our desires, and our plans, only to rework us in His higher ways and thoughts. He has planned and executed this church down to even the launch next Sunday.
The reason I am writing you, is to say thank you. Each of you has had a part in God building this church, because you have played such an important part in my life. From the time I moved to Louisiana to go to seminary and work, you have supported me with your prayer and encouragement. I still miss home more than you know, but I have also never been as confident of where I am supposed to be as I am at this moment. As our church family grows in intimacy with one another, I am ever more aware of the ways our histories make us who we are. God has knit together a precious Body of people; none of whom are perfect nor try to appear so. We are all just walking through life hanging onto God’s grace and promises that He is alive in us. With that hope, we want to do our best to love God and love people the way He intended.
Thank you for being a part of my history, present, and future. As our church body gathers together for the “birth” of this new church, I would ask that you pray with us on Sunday, wherever you may be. Our service starts at 6:30 Sunday night. We are going to spend the night committing every part of this church to its Creator and Sustainer. We are all so excited to be a part of God’s plan in this. We know He could accomplish His purposes in Baton Rouge with the blink of an eye, but are so grateful He wants to use us in the process.
Thank you for loving me and influencing my life by living yours to the fullest. Please pray with us as we continue to seek His guidance and heart. Please pray for Josh as God leads him in leading us. And pray that we, as the Bride of Christ, will act out who God truly designed His church to be… humble servants who are in love with their Master and Creator. We know that if we will keep our eyes focused on Him He will lead us in all areas.

I love you and am so thankful for your presence and influence in my life,Megan